Tag Archives: spiritual growth


Three Keys for Men to Experience Spiritual Breakthrough

In 2020 Chris Bolinger, author of few best-selling Christian men’s devotionals, published a post on “Who Reads the Bible More, Men or Women?” (https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/who-reads-the-bible-more-men-or-women.html)

It provides some insight into the challenges that men face when it comes to spiritual growth.

Here I offer three keys for men to experience spiritual breakthrough based on the data from these surveys:


From Disciples to Brothers: The Biblical Basis for Christian Men’s Fellowship

The idea of Christian men’s fellowship is not a new concept. From the disciples who followed Jesus to the early church in Acts, men have gathered together in a community of faith to learn, grow, and support one another. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of men who forged strong bonds of brotherhood as they navigated the challenges of living a life of faith.