Jesus as the Ultimate Male Role Model
Throughout history, the figure of Jesus Christ has stood as a beacon of virtue, compassion, and strength. His life and teachings have provided us with a timeless template for what it means to be a man, offering an ideal that transcends cultures and eras. In a time where the concept of manhood faces unprecedented scrutiny and confusion, Jesus’ example is more relevant than ever. His manliness and role as a male model are not just aspects of his identity; they are central to who he is and what he represents.
The crisis of manhood we witness today can be traced to a broader crisis of faith, where Christianity’s core, centered on Jesus, has been marginalized or misunderstood.
The Manliness of Jesus
Jesus embodies the perfect balance of strength and humility. He displayed courage and assertiveness, standing up to the religious authorities of his time, overturning tables in the temple to defend the sanctity of worship (Matthew 21:12-13), and fearlessly proclaiming truth in the face of opposition. Yet, his strength was always tempered with compassion. He wept at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:35), showed mercy to the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11), and healed the sick with profound empathy.
This duality of strength and gentleness is at the heart of Jesus’ manliness. He was not afraid to be vulnerable, showing that true strength includes the capacity for deep emotional expression and empathy.
Jesus as a Male Role Model
Jesus’ life provides a model for men to aspire to. His leadership was servanthood; he washed the feet of his disciples (John 13:1-17), teaching that greatness in God’s kingdom is found in serving others. This challenges the modern view of leadership as power and control, offering instead a vision of leadership rooted in humility and self-giving love.
Moreover, Jesus’ relationship with his Father provides a template for men’s spiritual lives. He demonstrated dependence on God through prayer and obedience, emphasizing that true manhood involves recognizing one’s need for divine guidance and strength. His teachings on forgiveness, love, and sacrifice offer a framework for relationships, encouraging men to be compassionate leaders in their families and communities.
The Crisis of Manhood and Faith
Today’s crisis of manhood is deeply intertwined with a crisis of faith. As society drifts from its Christian roots, the example of Jesus as a role model for men has been obscured. This loss has left a vacuum, often filled with distorted and harmful ideals of masculinity. Without the centrality of Jesus, the virtues he embodied—humility, compassion, strength, and integrity—are often overshadowed by superficial and destructive notions of what it means to be a man.
The erosion of faith has led to a broader cultural malaise. Christianity, when centered on Jesus, offers a coherent and life-giving vision for personal identity and purpose. When this foundation is weakened, individuals and society at large lose a vital source of moral and spiritual direction. The disintegration of Christian values has thus contributed to the confusion and fragmentation of modern manhood.
Reclaiming Jesus as the Central Model
To address the crisis of manhood, we must reclaim Jesus’ example at the heart of Christian faith. This involves more than a superficial nod to his teachings; it requires a profound engagement with his life and character.
Restoring Jesus to the center of Christian practice and belief can transform lives. Men who follow his example will lead with compassion, serve with humility, and stand with integrity. They will be strong in their convictions yet tender in their relationships, embodying a holistic vision of manhood that is desperately needed today.
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Jeff Hagen
President & Founder
Hill Cities, Inc.
Very nice and proud message
Ken, thanks!