Tag Archives: repentance


Three Keys for Men to Experience Spiritual Breakthrough

In 2020 Chris Bolinger, author of few best-selling Christian men’s devotionals, published a post on “Who Reads the Bible More, Men or Women?” (https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/who-reads-the-bible-more-men-or-women.html)

It provides some insight into the challenges that men face when it comes to spiritual growth.

Here I offer three keys for men to experience spiritual breakthrough based on the data from these surveys:


On Men and Loving Truth

This piece explores the contrast between cherishing truth and striving for religious perfection, using the stories of David and Saul, two of Israel’s kings, to exemplify this dynamic. It boils down to our relationship with truth. Do we love it and pursue it, or do we avoid it and refuse to develop a taste for it.