Tag Archives: community


What Would Jesus’ Commencement Speech Sound Like?

For many students, it’s graduation time. Commencement speeches will be echoing throughout America in the weeks to come. What would Jesus’ commencement speech sound like if He was invited to give one?

What would He have to say to the young people getting ready to step out into the world?


Nurturing Mental Health and Well-being: A Biblical Perspective for Men

In recent years, the discourse on mental health and well-being has gained significant attention, and rightfully so. Within the Christian community, the topic of mental health among men has specifically come to the forefront as a crucial area of focus.


From Disciples to Brothers: The Biblical Basis for Christian Men’s Fellowship

The idea of Christian men’s fellowship is not a new concept. From the disciples who followed Jesus to the early church in Acts, men have gathered together in a community of faith to learn, grow, and support one another. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of men who forged strong bonds of brotherhood as they navigated the challenges of living a life of faith.