The purpose of Hill Cities is to serve men like Dewey!

Dewey Berglund, Owner-1st Team Exteriors
God has answered my prayers since being invited about a year ago, to join in a Christ-centered study of Hill Cities.

  1. A prayer that God would lead me to a study where we could dive into His Word and know Him deeper. To gain a deeper understanding of His Truth. Checked!
  2. It was that I could find Godly men to do things outside the group, gaining friendships and sharing laughs while hunting, fishing, golfing, etc. Checked!
  3. Another desire was to be able to influence others around me and act in a leadership role with the younger men in my life such as my son, my workers, and also my friends who are immature in their own faith. Checked!
  4. Lastly, for God to continue to open doors to men around me who are seeking for other men to help keep them accountable in their daily life and grow deeper in heart to their Creator.

Thanks for leading as you are.

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