All posts by Jeff Hagen


Being a Disciple: Surrendering to Christ’s Leadership

The concept of discipleship in Christianity is a profound and transformative journey that requires complete surrender to Jesus Christ’s leadership. This surrender is not a passive act but an active, daily decision to align our lives with the teachings and example of Christ.
As Jesus himself said in Luke 9:23, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” This verse encapsulates the essence of true discipleship – a willingness to set aside personal desires and ambitions in favor of God’s will.


The Case For The Historic Jesus

While the New Testament provides a detailed account of Jesus’ life, there is also significant historical evidence outside the Bible that confirms His existence and key aspects of His story. If Jesus wasn’t a historic figure, the Gospel is a work of fiction.
Thankfully, there are number of extra biblical historic accounts providing strong support for the historicity of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth.
Let’s examine what ancient historians and other sources say about Jesus.


Discerning Evil in Modern Times: A Christian Perspective

In the very heart of Biblical teachings, there is a profound call to maturity, not just in faith but in the discernment of good and evil. Way too many people are afraid to call out evil. It’s as if the Bible isn’t our guide to learn how to do just that!


The Unfinished Story of Israel: Remembering God’s Unbroken Promises

As Christian, we often focus on the universal message of salvation through Jesus Christ, and rightly so.
However, in our enthusiasm to share the Good News with the world, we must not forget the special place that the Jews and the people of Israel hold in God’s plan. The New Testament is clear: Israel’s story is far from over, and their return to the land of Israel is one of the greatest promises fulfilled.


How Excellence in Sports Relates To Excellence in Walking with Christ

As men, we’re often drawn to the world of sports, where discipline, hard work, and dedication are essential for achieving excellence. But have you ever stopped to think about the parallels between excelling in sports and walking with Christ? In this blog, I’ll explore how the discipline of excellence in sports can prepare us for a life of excellence in our faith.


Be Anxious for Nothing: A Biblical Perspective on Anxiety

In the New Testament, the apostle Paul offers a profound piece of advice in his letter to the Philippians: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6, NIV).

This encouragement to be anxious for nothing is not merely an idealistic notion but a deeply rooted biblical principle that acknowledges the reality of anxiety while providing a divine solution.


The Call to be a City on a Hill


The traditional view of the Bible, which has been the cornerstone of our faith for centuries, is being challenged by modern societal norms. This can be depressing but it can also serve as an excellent backdrop for our light to shine brighter, if we remember our calling as a city on a hill in a world that desperately needs it.


Beyond Fathers Day – The Divine Call to Fatherhood

Father’s Day just passed, but call of God on fathers remains.

Sadly, in today’s postmodern America the role of a father is often undervalued or misunderstood. Yet, the presence of a father in a child’s life is crucial to their development and well-being.