Throughout history, Christian authors have written extensively on the subject of masculinity, exploring what it means to be a man in the eyes of God and how men can live virtuous and fulfilling lives. These early Christian authors provide valuable insights that are still relevant and applicable to men today.

One of the most prominent early Christian authors on masculinity was Saint Augustine of Hippo, who wrote extensively on the subject in his work “The City of God.” Augustine saw masculinity as a means of fulfilling one’s God-given purpose and argued that men should use their strength and courage to serve God and their fellow humans. He wrote, “A man has duties to discharge…If he lives in the vigor of his strength, he should think of the purpose of his strength, namely, to serve God and his fellow men.”

Another important early Christian author on masculinity was Saint Thomas Aquinas, who wrote extensively on the subject in his works on ethics and theology. Aquinas believed that men should strive to embody the virtues of courage, justice, and self-control, and that these virtues were essential to living a fulfilling life. He wrote, “It is proper to the masculine sex to excel in fortitude, which is the virtue of the brave, because fortitude supports the other virtues and moderates their acts.”

Over the past few decades, there has been a growing attack on Christian masculinity. This attack has taken many forms, including the denigration of traditional male roles, the glorification of femininity, and the promotion of gender-neutral or gender-fluid identities. This attack has weakened men, marriages, churches, and the culture as a whole, and it is important for Christians to understand the nature of this attack and its consequences.

The attack on Christian masculinity can be traced back to the rise of modern feminism and its rejection of traditional gender roles. Feminism promoted the idea that men and women were equal in every way, and that any differences between the sexes were due to socialization rather than biology. This led to the denigration of traditional male roles, such as provider, protector, and leader, and the glorification of traditionally female roles, such as nurturer, caregiver, and communicator.

As a result of this attack on traditional masculinity, many men have become confused about their roles and responsibilities. They have been told that they need to be more like women in order to be successful in relationships and in life, and that their natural inclinations toward leadership, strength, and assertiveness are toxic and harmful. This has led to a crisis of identity for many men, who are unsure of how to navigate a world that seems to be rejecting their natural inclinations and desires.

The weakening of men has had serious consequences for marriages, churches, and the culture as a whole. In marriages, men who are unsure of their roles and responsibilities are less likely to be effective providers, protectors, and leaders. This can lead to tension and conflict in the relationship, and can even lead to divorce in some cases.

In churches, the attack on Christian masculinity has led to a feminization of the faith, with men feeling out of place in an environment that seems more geared toward women. This has led to a decline in male attendance and participation in churches, and has weakened the church’s ability to provide strong male role models for younger generations.

In the culture as a whole, the weakening of men has led to a decline in traditional values and a rise in relativism and moral decay. Men who are unsure of their roles and responsibilities are more likely to be passive and ineffective in the face of moral challenges, and are less likely to stand up for what is right and just.

Despite these challenges, there are many Christian authors and leaders who are working to elevate Christian masculinity and promote a healthy understanding of what it means to be a man.

One such author is Dr. Jordan Peterson, who has written extensively on the subject in his book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.” Peterson argues that men must take responsibility for their lives and their actions, and that they must strive to embody the virtues of courage, honesty, and integrity. He writes, “The masculine spirit is the spirit of the explorer and the conqueror, and the great unknown is what lies within ourselves.”

Another influential author on Christian masculinity is John Eldredge, who has written several books on the subject, including “Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul.” Eldredge argues that men must embrace their God-given desire for adventure and risk-taking, and that they must reject the societal pressures to conform to a narrow and restrictive vision of masculinity. He writes, “You were made to be dangerous. You were made to take risks.”

For everyday Christian men, it is important to be confident in their masculinity and to resist the pressures of today’s war against men. Men should strive to embody the virtues of courage, justice, and self-control, and to use their strength and power to serve God and their fellow humans. As Saint Augustine wrote, “The wise man will obey his duty even if it costs him his life. But the foolish man will reject his duty even if it gains him his life.” By embracing their masculinity and living virtuous lives, Christian men can fulfill their God-given purpose and make a positive impact on the world around them.

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