In the very heart of Biblical teachings, there is a profound call to maturity, not just in faith but in the discernment of good and evil. Way too many people are afraid to call out evil. It’s as if the Bible isn’t our guide to learn how to do just that!

The Book of Hebrews (5:14) says, “But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained their senses to distinguish good from evil.” This scripture isn’t merely about spiritual growth but also about the practical application of faith in navigating the moral complexities of our world.

The Biblical Foundation for Discernment

In the Old Testament there’s a lot on this subject but for now I’ll point your attention to Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

This verse clearly highlights the deceptive nature of evil, which often masquerades as good.

Let’s hop over to the New Testament where Jesus himself warns in Matthew 7:16, “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?” Here, Jesus provides a clear metric for identifying the nature of actions and individuals. None of this is Ph. D. level material. The Bible gives wisdom to all people form all ages when it comes to discernment of what’s evil and what’s good.

This year has been marked by several events and trends in the United States that, from a traditional Christian viewpoint, might be seen as indicators of increasing evil.

Just look at the extreme and radical legislative agenda that was forced on our state, turning us into literally one of the most removed from God in a moral sense.

All limits on abortion at any stage of pregnancy were repealed, as were laws requiring doctors to treat infants born alive after an abortion. References to “women” in the new laws were replaced with “pregnant people”.

Minnesota declared itself a “refuge” for transgender surgeries and therapies for minors. Gender surgery will now to be publicly funded. — Public and charter schools are mandated to teach “ethnic studies,” and school boards are instructed to adopt “antiracist” curricula and teach “the history of the genocide of Indigenous Peoples.”

 Drivers’ licenses and state-funded health care are now available for illegals.

 Private religious colleges are forbidden to “require a faith statement” from enrolling students.

 Convicted felons now have the right to vote before completing parole or probation.

How can any of these actions be justified in any way, shape or form by someone who claims to consider the Bible as the inspired Word of God and our ultimate moral authority?

Policies or movements that disrupt established moral norms, have been literally forced on us under the guise of “progress”. And yet, scripture can classify these only as evil.

The Call to Mature Discernment

For Christians with traditional values, the call to discernment is not just about occasional incidents. It should be a daily spiritual exercise. The maturity spoken of in Hebrews isn’t achieved overnight but through constant engagement with scripture, prayer, and community.

This discernment, rooted in biblical wisdom, equips believers to stand firm against the increasing tide of what might be considered evil, not through fear or condemnation, but through the love and truth of the Gospel, always striving for the maturity that distinguishes good from evil with clarity and conviction.

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Jeff Hagen
President & Founder
Hill Cities, Inc.

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