It’s not difficult to notice that in a world where stability often seems like a mirage, men find themselves constantly seeking security.

Whether it’s through career achievements, financial stability, or personal relationships, the quest for something unshakable in life’s tempest is universal. However, this search can sometimes lead men down paths of ‘idolatry’, placing their trust in things or systems that promise security but are inherently transient.

The Bible, in its profound wisdom, addresses this human tendency by presenting God not just as a deity to be worshipped, but as a bastion of true security.

In Psalms 18:2, David declares, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

Here, God is depicted as the ultimate source of security, an unassailable fortress against the storms of life.

Why Men Gravitate Towards Idolatry As men, by nature or nurture, we often seek tangible symbols of strength and permanence. This can manifest in the idolatry of material success, physical prowess, or an unhealthy degree of admiration of figures who represent these ideals.

However, these ‘idols’ are flawed; they can crumble under pressure, leaving one’s foundation cracked and unstable.

God as the Ultimate Security The scriptures encourage men to redirect their need for security towards something eternal and unchanging.

Here are three action steps for men to anchor their security in God:

  1. Daily Surrender: Start each day by surrendering your fears, ambitions, and plans to God. This act acknowledges that while you might plan your path, it’s God who directs your steps (Proverbs 16:9). Prayer and meditation on God’s word can serve as daily reminders of where your true security lies.
  2. Cultivate Trust Through Trials: Use life’s challenges as opportunities to trust in God’s promises. When faced with uncertainty or loss, instead of turning to temporary fixes or idols, recall and recite scriptures that affirm God’s role as your protector. For instance, remembering Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
  3. Community and Accountability: Engage with a community of believers. Having brothers in faith can reinforce your commitment to finding security in God. They can remind you of your spiritual anchors when worldly temptations to idolize other securities arise.

Consider the life of Tim Tebow, a well-known Christian athlete. Despite the highs and lows of his sports career, media scrutiny, and the pressures of public life, Tebow consistently speaks about his faith as his rock. He once shared how amidst the uncertainty of his career, he found peace in the truth that his identity and security were in Christ, not in his achievements or public perception. This reflects the principle that even in modern times, with all its unique pressures, men can and should look to God as their fortress.

For men navigating the complexities of life, the invitation is clear: place your ultimate security in God, the unchanging rock. Unlike the fleeting security offered by the world, God provides a fortress that not only withstands life’s battles but also offers refuge, strength, and salvation. By doing so, we as men can live not only securely but also with a profound sense of purpose and peace, knowing that they are anchored to something eternal.

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Jeff Hagen
President & Founder
Hill Cities, Inc.

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